What We Do
Working exclusively with Industrial Design firms with engineering capabilities:
We create new intellectual properties based on consumer needs and desires. We identify prospective clients, prepare online presentations and present the opportunities to qualified Industrial Design firms. Jointly, we offer to license the intellectual properties to the clients, with the provision our Partner firms receive at least the first phase of the design/development projects.
How We Do It
- Market Research
The Why. - Ideation
The What. - Conceptualization
The How. - Presentation
The Opportunity.
Who We Are

Hi. I’m Kimberly Dietrich,
President of Product Research Associates, LLC.
If you would like to have PRA bring design/development project opportunities to your Industrial Design firm, contact me to set up an introductory online meeting. We'll discuss what we have in our portfolio and ask you to tell us in what markets you would prefer to see us work.
If what we do is of interest to you,
please send us an email or give us a call!